Full details and locations on the event pages

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we’re more powerful together

Amplify your intentions and overall experience by participating with me in a group setting.


signature workshops

I’ve taught these workshops in various locations in Franklin, MA, Boston, MA, Joshua Tree, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Black Rock City, NV, and virtually online.


Spiritual healing for your womb. Click the photo for more details.

Spirit Baby MESSAGES

Connect with your spirit baby. Click the photo for more details.

Workshops are non-refundable.

Having any issues booking? Email me - justine@justine-cohen.com

Connect with your Spirit Baby

Connect with your Spirit Baby

Join this unique special event with Spirit Baby Medium - Justine Cohen & Fertility Yoga Teacher - Kerry Hinds

Connect With Your Spirit Baby - 1:1 & Workshop

VIP Ticket includes a 40 min private Spirit Baby Reading with Justine & the group workshop.

VIP Registration is limited to 10 people only.

What will happen in the workshop?

  • Justine will introduce the concept of Spirit Babies and how she began her work as a medium.

  • Kerry will lead a 20 minute slow and deep yoga sequence to open up the energy centers that spirit babies usually connect through. 

  • Yoga Nidra will follow - 10-15 minutes of guided progressive deep relaxation.

  • Once deeply relaxed and in an open mind & heart space, Justine will lead you through a spirit baby meditation and visualization where you  journey to connect to your spirit baby and/or your spirit baby’s guides.

  • There will be time for journaling, reflection, or discussion on what you experienced. Please note that it is not necessary for you to openly share, but if you wish to - you may.

  • You will given lifetime access to a recording of the yoga, yoga nidra, and spirit baby meditation for future use to connect again to your spirit baby.

What is a spirit baby? 

A spirit baby is a soul before they come to life on earth. A spirit baby medium helps others connect with souls before conception or birth which can be a transformational, healing, and expansive experience.

What is yoga nidra? 

Yoga Nidra, often translated as Yogic Sleep, is a divine state attained through progressive deep relaxation. As you lay comfortably on the floor, you will be guided towards a state that is deeply healing and nurturing to your whole self.

Why do these two fertility-supporting offerings complement each other?

When in the yoga nidra state, the brainwaves are in delta (deep sleep) but consciousness is maintained. Here your subconscious mind links with your conscious mind. We are deeply relaxed physically but mentally aware,  that we are open and able to connect to all that is around us. Spirit babies are found in this space.

Who is this workshop for?

  • If you are actively trying to conceive

  • If you have experienced pregnancy loss or losses

  • If you are pregnant

When you leave, you will feel a deeper connection to your spirit baby and a  greater understanding of why your journey is unfolding as it is, and perhaps understand what your spirit baby needs to come earthside. If you’re pregnant, you can begin to connect to the child in your womb as a way to prepare for their arrival.

This can be extremely healing & transformational work. 

Bring your open minds and hearts, and trust you’ll get exactly what you need. 

If you haven’t yet - check out this book! 

Spirit Babies Book by Walter Makichen

Due to the limited space in this event, no refunds.

Although fertility yoga and spiritual practices have shown to support those dealing with infertility and obstacles to family building, this workshop does not guarantee pregnancy.

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Mystics Union Magical market

Mystics Union Magical market

So excited to announce the next Mystics Union Magical Market!! Saturday December 2nd, 11am - 5pm, join us at @thepotshoplosangeles in Frogtown.

Shop supernatural and spiritually ethical holiday goodies: candles, incense, crystals, florals/wreaths, tarot decks, ceramics, wine tastings w/herbal tea pairing, books, and more. Receive insights into the new year through readings and healings from trusted practitioners of Tarot, Akashic Records, and Astrology and more 🔮

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Spirit Babies & Grief: Virtual Group Ceremony

Spirit Babies & Grief: Virtual Group Ceremony

We need spaces to grieve, to honor what our wombs have carried and lost. We need spaces to remind us that we're not alone. 

Miscarriage is often a silent event - one that happens in private. It's not announced the way that longer term pregnancies or birth are. It's not often given the same respect that other deaths are given.

Abortions are under attack, making it less likely to share openly about these, too.

Still births or infant loss - these tragedies can be so painful that we don't even know how to begin picking up the pieces.

This heartbreaking part of conception, of birth, is a truth we cannot avoid. In the creation of life comes the inevitability of death. Pregnancy loss is natural, normal, and common.

We need not heal, process, and grieve, alone.

🥀 I'm reminded of the scene in Outlander, when Claire loses her first child, Faith. She wakes in a delirious fever, her heart so broken it pierces her entire being. 

🥀 I'm reminded of my mother, who lost a child before me. A disabled premature babe, my would be older brother. 

🥀 I'm reminded of my own choice not to carry - devastating even though it was a choice. 

🥀 I'm reminded of my many, many clients who share their stories of pregnancy and infant loss.  

💔 I can barely write this without crying. Not that I want to not cry - I never want to be numb to it. 

While I love holding the path of spirit babies into earth side bodies, the reality of loss and the honoring of it is also very much part of my work. 

💌 That being said, this is my invitation to you - do not grieve alone. No matter how long ago or how recent your loss was, join together with your sisters and other womb-holders who’ve walked through the fire of the birth/death portal, too. 

🕯️ Come together for acknowledgment, healing, ritual, and prayer. 

🕯️Come together in candlelight, during the time of year the veil is thinnest, when our ancestors are active, and our lost/released spirit babies are close, too. 

Join me in this special virtual group ceremony 🙏🏻.

We'll meet on 11/1, the day after Halloween, in the Samhain portal, alongside Day of the Dead celebrations, for the specific shared purpose of honoring the children who never made it here fully.

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Goddess Codes: Foundational Alchemy w/ Hathor

Goddess Codes: Foundational Alchemy w/ Hathor

Introducing… GODDESS CODES: an online transformational temple space for foundational alchemy.

🌹 Designed for the modern feminine

🌹 Dedicated to your ultimate healing

Each session in the series will include a short teaching about the goddess we’re working with, followed by an activation/ritual so you can work with her personally, and ending with time for shares / group coaching / channeling from me.

Each class is stand alone, though the series is designed to sequence you through to an expansive up-level, aligning you more with your desires and helping you manifest what’s meant for you into your life.

Based on my work with clients, and what you want and need, I’ve designated three themes that we’ll work through:

- Cosmic Mother: connecting with the mother archetype to support your desire to - be a mother

- Divine Union: experience partnership codes to deepen your connection and potential for creation

- Sacred Release: creating space for moving through grief, stagnation, and other energetic - blocks so you have space to receive more love and your spirit baby

AND SO WE BEGIN, with the divine goddess Hathor. Pleasure queen. Married to Horus, who is linked with Jesus. Goddess of receptivity and fertility. Patron of music and full supporter of her king.

Session are $13 each (the goddess #), and your first one is on me! Use code GODDESS at checkout.

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Spirit Baby Alchemy Meditation Journey

Spirit Baby Alchemy Meditation Journey

Journey to meet your spirit baby during this special event.

I’ve taught this workshop all over the country, and I’m so excited to bring it to Boston for the first time.

We’ll be at Ellie Esthetics in Beacon Hill, a location with lots of light and big windows. Join me Sunday morning for spirit baby “church".”

You’ll settle into one of the four lash beds, relaxing into the guided meditation journey to meet your spirit baby.

What you can expect:

🎈 Sacred circle with teachings on spirit babies, the current astrology, and the womb

🎈 Guided meditation visualization journey from the ultimate comfort of a lash bed

🎈 You’ll be lead into direct connection with your spirit baby

🎈 After the meditation journey, we’ll come back into the circle

🎈 Optional to share your experience/ask questions to receive my guidance

This is for you no matter where you are on your fertility journey. You may be actively trying to conceive, already pregnant, not yet ready to try, or processing pregnancy loss. Your spirit baby and I will meet you exactly where you are.

Because there are only 4 lash beds in the space, there are only 4 spots available in this special event. Interested? Sign up today.

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New Moon in Taurus Womb Healing Ceremony

New Moon in Taurus Womb Healing Ceremony

The Full Moon in Taurus peaks at 11:53am EST on Friday, May 19th. It’s the first regular moon after two powerful eclipses, and wow… what a relief!

Jupiter, the planet of abundance, moves into the sign of Taurus a few days prior on May 16th, a welcome blessing. Taurus loves pleasure and feeling good in the body. Luxuriate in the energy by coming together in sacred circle to move and heal the energy of the womb.

Did I mention that Mercury retrograde will be over, too?!

I’ll be back in MA visiting family (I live in LA) and am excited to bring this workshop to AcuPUNKture again.

Each time I facilitate this workshop, it’s a little different. Join me again or for your first time. Come alone or bring your sister, mother, friend.

During the workshop, we will:

🌳 Open the sacred circle and set intentions

🌳 Meditation drop-in

🌳 Womb embodiment journey with music

🌳 Group shares and closing ritual

The workshop is $43 and there are only 7 spots. Feeling called to join? Sign up now.

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Journey into the Womb

Journey into the Womb

Join us Mother's Day Weekend

🌸Experience deep nourishment

🌸Plant seeds of healing and creation

🌸Connect with and honor your ancestors


☕Coffee reading for the collective

☕Coffee/tea for each attendee

🔻Womb healing embodiment journey

🔻Sacred circle & altar in a gorgeous space

🔻Dedicated time to connect with self, spirit guides, spirit babies, and ancestors

This is for you if you...

✅ Want to strengthen your connection to your womb

✅ Want to connect to maternal energy in your lineage

✅ Have a complicated relationship with your mother figure(s)

✅ Want to deepen your spiritual connection to your mother

✅ Want to clear sexual trauma from your womb

✅ Wish to get pregnant

✅ Have experienced miscarriages or pregnancy loss

Open to all womb-holders / those who want to connect to their energetic womb space. Mom's welcome!

💕 Fill your own cup before Mother's Day

💕 Activate with the medicine of Armenian coffee and flower essences

💕 Heal and dance with the Pisces moon

💕 Stomp out the last few hours of Mercury retrograde

💕 Milk Taurus Season's invitation for self-care and pleasure

💕 Be intentional with your past, present, and future

Co-hosting with Seta Mary

Seta is a writer, artist, medium, and channel creatrix who supports individuals to cultivate a relationship with Spirit and connect to their ancestors and (plant)cestors to heal their relationship to mother earth, pleasure and reach emotional and spiritual liberation and sovereignty.

She is the owner & CEO of Arevv Alchemy. Seta has been trained in the modalities of flower essence healing, mediumship channeling, coffee cup reading, and theta healing. Her work is dedicated to bridging the gap between the material and spiritual realms, healing shame, reaching liberation for all bodies, and most importantly having fun doing it.

She loves to travel - offers coffee readings & teaches channeled writing & flower essence-making workshops. Most of the flower essences she creates are from plants she connected with on her trips.

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Womb Healing Ceremony

Womb Healing Ceremony

Feeling the call to connect deeper to your womb?

Then this special Womb Healing Ceremony is for you.

Perfect for...

  • Hormone balancing

  • Increasing fertility

  • Pregnancy loss

  • Painful periods, endo, PCOS

  • Healing sexual trauma

  • Grief processing

  • Emotional release

  • Feminine empowerment

  • Increasing pleasure

How can one evening cover so much? Because our wombs hold it all. They are portals - they are where life is created, where we store the codes of all the relationships we've ever had in our lives. They hold our creative spark.

And often, they are ignored. We go about our lives and days in our heads, in our work, in the world. We often don't stop to think about the internal landscapes of our bodies, let alone the internal landscape of our wombs.

The best part is... when we give this part of our body dedicated attention, it can unlock so much. In a short period of time, we can move a ton of energy, rippling blessings to the rest of our lives.

In this 90-minute ceremony, you'll enter into a ritual space where you'll be guided to set intentions, gently feel your emotions, move your body as a way to express yourself, and meditate on the sacred space within.

The evening will include:

  • Group intention setting and ritual

  • Embodied movement flow

  • Guided visualization

  • Sound & energy clearing

Feeling the tug to participate and receive? Grab your ticket today - space is limited. This work is transformative, and the power of coming together in a group is palpable.

I'm visiting MA from LA and am so excited to bring this offering with me. Join me?

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