Are you ready to change your life

by birthing a new baby?

Ritual, tangible, and astrological support for your fertility journey

A new way of working with your creative potential for conception.

You’re ready to bring your baby earthside

  • life isn’t unfolding in a way or at a pace that you’d like 

  • you’re holding grief, anxiety, or fear around your fertility and pregnancy journey 

  • doing “all the right things” isn’t working

You want…

and yet…

  • Something magical to support you on your fertility journey 

  • To understand how your unique astrological signatures can support you in creating life 

  • A physical connection to your spirit baby until they arrive here

Justine Cohen - Personal Fertility Talisman


ritual perfume for fertility, custom formulated based on your astrology chart 

delivered with a channeled spirit baby astrology reading, focused on your 5th house of conception & creativity.

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Step into the portal and path with your spirit baby through the sacred talisman of your perfume, custom developed by Erin based on the placements of your sun, moon, Venus, and north node in your birth chart.

Learn about your specific mothering style as outlined in your 5th house of your natal chart, channeled by Justine, so you can use your unique creative signature to conceive your spirit baby and get them here.

Align with your spirit baby and “do” your fertility simply by putting on your perfume.

You’ll receive 3 pieces:

  • Custom astrological perfume based on your birth chart and unique fertility goals blended by Erin

  • Custom channeled 5th house astrology reading recorded by Justine

  • Ritual instructions on how to use your custom perfume to connect with your spirit baby

Here’s how it works:

  • Fill out a few simple questions about your fertility journey and goals

  • Share your exact birth details - essential for this product

  • Within 2-3 weeks, you’ll receive your custom perfume and ritual instructions on how to use it as a sacred talisman for you and your spirit baby

  • Within 2-3, you’ll receive an email with your channeled video - in connection with your spirit baby - focused on the 5th house: the house of creativity, sex, and childbearing. You’ll also receive a link to the ritual.

This blend of physical and digital channeled custom products provides a bridge for you between mind, body and spirit, and for the ultimate manifestation of your earth baby.

Justine Cohen - Fertility Talisman

Brought to you in collaboration by The Fertility Oracle & Pluto’s Mirror: Spirit Baby Medium Justine Cohen and Intuitive Perfumer Erin Hiser.

We’ve come together to create Baby Gold, through the lens of “The Eye of Venus,” to give you the tools you need to manifest your ultimate physical creation - your golden child, your rainbow baby, your miracle baby, your “pineapple” baby - life on earth.

Justine and Erin met in 2022 online in a psychic practice circle during a new moon in Cancer, which unknowingly planted the seeds for us to create this offering to help support you and your family.

Meet Erin

Erin Hiser

Erin is Venusian to the maximum and has eight planets ruled by Venus in her chart: stelliums in both Taurus and Libra. Meaning, she accesses the world through her sensory experiences. Like Ferdinand the Bull, her favorite place to be is under a tree on a sunny day huffing every flower.

She’s been making natural perfumes for almost a decade and navigates the process like all of her art: with awe and curiosity. Her approach is always unorthodox and intuitive. She respects the traditional structure of perfume making, but allows the oils to lead, even when the relationships are surprising. The results are always beautiful.

Erin began as an artist, detoured to practice somatic and art therapies, and has come home to art making full time. One of the hallmarks of her journey has been supporting healing through creativity. She believes in the power of connection: to self, to plants, to animals, and to other humans - embodied and in spirit form.

Erin spent years trying to understand if she was meant to be a parent. She lives with chronic illness and through a reading with Justine, was able to speak directly to her spirit babies and receive their blessing: they are waiting until a lifetime that will be right for all of them. It was a powerful moment that has opened up space to fill her 5th house with childlike wonder and unending creation - like this collaboration.

She is thrilled to reflect back to you the love of plant allies on your journey, as they show up in your custom, sacred, fertility perfume.

Reintroducing… Justine

Justine Cohen - Fertility Talisman

Justine is a Libra rising, meaning she loves pleasure, art, and beauty. She has been working with sacred perfumes, flower essences, and magical tinctures in her personal life for years, and is excited to share this expansive offering with you.

She’s obsessed with astrology and has been working with the sun, moon, and planets for over a decade. She’s been reading friends' charts and providing astrological forecasts for those in her direct circle since the before-times, too.

She’s been wanting to combine astrology with spirit babies in a formal way and is excited to offer channeled 5th house readings - blending the expansive, self-reflective impact of learning more about your chart with the transformative, inspiring, and healing effect of channeled messages. Add in a tangible, personalized totem (the custom, sacred perfume) along with guidance on how to ritualize the practice, and we have the makings of magical alchemy.

Justine has used astrology and ritual to change her entire life - a bold statement, but would you expect anything less from a Sagittarius? - and loves sharing these tools with you.


Want your own BABY GOLD?

Baby Gold Oil -Justine Cohen and Erin Hiser
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Within 2-3 weeks, you’ll receive your custom perfume, ritual instructions, and channeled video of your astrology reading. Shipping charged at checkout.

Purchases are non-refundable, as we begin working on your custom elements immediately.

Love your custom perfume and want more? Refill for $27 (plus shipping).


As with any natural perfume, essential oils, absolutes, etc., are diluted for skin safety. We use fractionated coconut oil as a carrier. We create your custom blend keeping in mind some plants are not appropriate for use while pregnant or nursing. We also avoid any components that you are allergic to. For safety, we strongly encourage you to do a patch test before wearing your perfume, and consult with your medical team about all ingredients, especially if you would like to continue using your perfume once pregnant. There are ways to use a custom perfume without skin contact, if this is the safest choice for you. Please listen to and trust your body! While there is no guarantee regarding the outcome of using plants in perfume for conception, your perfume is created to facilitate deeper understanding of and connection to self and your creative expression that can be used for improved fertility, conception, and birthing in all forms.