receive messages from your spirit baby

Channeled through me For your clarity


Are you feeling a deep connection to the spirit world and curious about what messages your spirit baby might have for you?

My name is Justine Cohen, and I specialize in spirit baby mediumship.

Through my spirit baby readings, I offer a unique opportunity to connect with the energy and messages of babies who are still in the spirit realm, preparing to come into your life.

You want to connect with your spirit baby


Maybe you’ve never connected with them before and you’re wondering if you have any. 

Maybe they’ve appeared to you during a meditation or a dream. 

Maybe you’ve connected many times and want to tap back in.

Either way…

You’re wondering what you can do to help them get here

To be birthed into form. Into a body. You may wish they were here already, or you may want them eventually. Or perhaps you’re still deciding.

You may be looking for deeper meaning into past pregnancies, wanting to reconnect with spirit babies from lost or terminated pregnancies. 

You’re frustrated that it’s not easier to connect to your spirit baby on your own.

You want help connecting. You desire clear, concise messages from your spirit babies that are helpful and healing. You want deeper meaning. 

Luckily, I’ve designed a session with you in mind. 

My sessions have evolved over time to give you exactly what you need. I blend mediumship, cards, meditation, and coaching to create a ceremonial space for you to connect and receive messages from your spirit baby and spirit team.

I’ll see, hear, feel, and sense messages from your spirit baby that I’ll share with you when we meet over Zoom. I’ll share whatever comes through: from your spirit baby’s gender, or your relationship dynamic, to what they need to get here.

I’ll connect with them directly using spirit baby mediumship, passing along my downloads to you.

I facilitate a space for you to connect with them directly, bridging the gap and nurturing your relationship.

Each session flows based on where you’re at personally. Sometimes I’ll be the bridge between you and your spirit baby, delivering messages and meaning. Sometimes, I’ll guide you into connection with them so you can practice receiving. 

Guides or ancestors may show up with important messages. I may channel a meditation to help you clear blocks, connect with your heart, or get more in touch with your body. I often pull cards. 

Sometimes sessions are solution focused, like a coaching session, with clear directives for your next steps. Sometimes, I assign self-care practices and rituals for you to do on your own.

Either way, I trust spirit and your spirit baby to guide me in delivering exactly what’s most helpful and healing for you, whether we connect with your spirit baby that wants to come earth side or spirit babies from previous pregnancies and losses.

The entire session is a message from your spirit baby.

What is Spirit Baby Mediumship?

Spirit baby mediumship is a practice where I connect with the souls of babies who are either already in the spirit world or those who are preparing to make their journey into this world. These spirit baby readings provide insight, guidance, and messages from these souls, helping you understand their needs and your connection with them.

Wondering if a session is right for you?

Sessions are perfect for you if you… 

  • Are wondering if you have a spirit baby

  • Know you want kids one day

  • Are questioning if you want kids one day

  • Want to reconnect with your spirit baby 

  • Want to connect with a spirit baby from a past pregnancy

  • Are trying to conceive 

  • Are already pregnant 

  • Are preparing for birth 

And, yes, non-birthing parents can connect, too. All genders are welcome.

During our session, you’ll experience a deep and meaningful connection with the spirit babies you are meant to hear from. I will use my mediumship skills to interpret their messages (and messages from your spirit team) to provide guidance that can help you in your personal, spiritual, and fertility journey.

Justine Cohen - Spirit Baby Medium


  • CARRIE (she/her) Mother, Teacher, Energy Healer

    I really loved the way Justine helped me connect to my baby. I had made all these plans to have the labor and birth I wanted and it had not occurred to me to ask my child how he wanted to be born. It was very sweet connecting to him in that way.

    I kept that communication going with the baby during my entire labor and birth. It was so important that I was able to sense into him, especially after 4 days of labor. He told me he was done fighting and needed to be born. I am so grateful I listened.

    Our session helped me connect to my unborn baby in a way that I had not yet experienced. This was extremely important in making difficult decisions when labor and birth did not go as planned.

    This was a very special session and I highly recommend Justine's offerings.

  • KATE (she/her) North Hollywood

    Justine is a powerful healer and alchemist! A good woman all around. 

    I loved the meditation she gave me. She offered tools I can use on my own. And she holds a very sweet, loving space. 

    My family members on the other side who haven’t ever come through with other mediums came through with Justine. It was definitely my dad! No one talks like that except for him!

    I now have a specific relationship with my spirit baby. I know her preferences, her voice, and where she is now. It’s a 180 degree turn from before. 


    It is wonderful to have a clearer picture of my child's desires and needs as they are transitioning from spirit to human form.

    I loved having the opportunity to ask my baby specific questions.

    I would recommend Justine's Spirit Baby Sessions to anyone wishing to gain a closer and clearer relationship with their unborn child and their child's guides.

  • Kerissa Lynn - Psychic Medium, Alberta, CA

    I wasn't sure quite yet if you were accurate about baby #4 being a girl as we thought maybe this time around we would be having the boy I had been channeling for years! Everyone thought "boy".

    We had a girl! Haha. You were right. You were the only one who felt GIRL energy from the start. Baby girl is now over one years old and such a magnificent old soul.

    I loved your confidence and unique energy.

Want to connect with your spirit baby? 

Book a session using the scheduler below.

Want to make it a partner reading? Choose the add on when selecting your session.

Note: Spirit baby work is continuous. Come back from another session when you’re ready to go a layer deeper and/or nurture the relationship with your spirit baby.

Book Now

Sessions are paid in advance and non-refundable.

If you need to reschedule your session, you may do so up to 24 hours beforehand using the link in the invite.

Having any issues booking a session, or not seeing a time that works for you? Email me: or DM me @thefertilityoracle


Justine Cohen is a trained, certified psychic medium and certified personal trainer with an MBA - NOT a medical professional. She offers spiritual, energetic, and wellness coaching based on her own life experience, what she hears from the other side, and from her own education. It is recommended you receive support from a medical professional in addition to my spiritual counsel. Please always defer to your medical care professionals and your own inner knowing. You agree to use what’s shared on this website, in workshops, and private sessions at your own risk, releasing Justine Cohen, MBA, and Dream Catalyst Coaching, LLC from any liability.