Feminine EmbodiMent Womb Circles

Tap into the unlimited potential

that lies within you

~ tap into the source of creation, pleasure, and alchemy within you ~

Tap into the power of your womb

You know

Your womb is Powerful

You just might not know how to channel her and unlock the magic.

Maybe you’re very familiar with your womb’s magic, and want a sacred space in which to connect with, celebrate, and feel into your womb.

Join this sacred womb ceremony to:

  • Move and transmute stagnant energy

  • Heal in sacred sisterhood

  • Open your inner portal to receive more blessings

  • Dance to an epic playlist

  • Have a really good time

join me at my next

Feminine Embodiment Womb Circle

During this sacred ceremony, I will:

  • Open sacred space 

  • Teach about the power of the womb

  • Guide a ritualized movement practice so you can embody different emotional textures, inspired by the current astrology and season

  • Help you clear out what’s ready to leave

  • Create space for you to call in what you deeply desire

Appropriate for you if you’re experiencing:

  • Pain or numbness in your womb

  • Fertility issues

  • Pregnancy loss

  • Menstrual discomfort or irregularity

This is also great for you if:

  • Your womb feels great

  • You’re pregnant

Perfect for anyone wanting to work with their womb in a transformational way.



  • Brittany (she/her) Recovery Coach, LA

    I went to Justine's womb healing ceremony during a stage in my healing process where I was going through major grief and deep pain in my womb space due to trauma being stuck and stored there. 

    She guided me in ceremony, through ecstatic movement and helped me to release the stored truama to my womb space. 

    It was so powerful, emotional, vital to my journey and truly beautiful. 

    She's a magic woman, and i'm honored to know her and heal in communion with her guidance and strength as a magic healing coach.


    I am more open to receiving and being vulnerable with myself.

    To connecting deeper to my womb and the trauma I have experienced.

    To feeling protected enough to step into that space and be able to connect with higher purpose.

  • BRIDGITTE (she/her) Priestess, St. Louis

    Justine led such a beautiful meditation where I met my own self and saw multiple other timelines I could have traveled into. She is such a wonderful soul and has such empathy for all types of journeys.

    I liked how inclusive her was about her offering if someone didn’t want to have children.

    I enjoyed seeing what other timelines my soul could have picked and seeing how my core lessons played out in all three. It’s been fun to see my life and see how this timeline offered me different ways of growing.

    I felt comfortable in her hands.

Sign up for the next womb healing ceremonY