Your Very own Channelled message from Your Spirit Baby

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Welcome to my corner of the spirit world. I’m Justine Cohen, a passionate spirit baby medium, dedicated to helping you connect with the profound messages from your spirit babies.

Automatic writing was one of my first ever psychic, spiritual practices. It came to me effortlessly and easily, creating an embodied, meaningful bridge to the spirit world. I’m honored to use automatic writing to channel spirit baby letters for you. This is an amazing option if a 1:1 session is out of reach, you live abroad and the timezones don’t work, or if you want another totem to go along with the 1:1 session(s) you’ve already had with me.

Spirit baby letters are more than just words - they are a window into your spirit baby’s spiritual world, written in their voice. Often, the provide insights about the life they’re desiring to have here. There personality comes through as they’re given an opportunity to communicate directly to you.

Whether you are trying to conceive, navigating pregnancy or pregnancy loss, or desiring to connect more deeply with your earth baby, a spirit baby letter can offer valuable insights and heartfelt connection.

Channelled Letter from Your Spirit Baby

Your very own message from your spirit baby. Channelled by me and read to you.

I use automatic writing to channel a letter for you. Meaning - I let your spirit baby write through me, guiding my pen. Then, I record it for you so you have an audio file to go back to over and over again.

These letters are personal, poetic, and powerful.

Within 2 weeks of purchase, I’ll sit down in my sacred space, call in your spirit baby, and channel a letter just for you.

Want your letter from your spirit baby? Purchase your letter today.

Refunds available within 24 hours of purchase.

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