Introducing… GODDESS CODES: an online transformational temple space for foundational alchemy.
🌹 Designed for the modern feminine
🌹 Dedicated to your ultimate healing
Each session in the series will include a short teaching about the goddess we’re working with, followed by an activation/ritual so you can work with her personally, and ending with time for shares / group coaching / channeling from me.
Each class is stand alone, though the series is designed to sequence you through to an expansive up-level, aligning you more with your desires and helping you manifest what’s meant for you into your life.
Based on my work with clients, and what you want and need, I’ve designated three themes that we’ll work through:
- Cosmic Mother: connecting with the mother archetype to support your desire to - be a mother
- Divine Union: experience partnership codes to deepen your connection and potential for creation
- Sacred Release: creating space for moving through grief, stagnation, and other energetic - blocks so you have space to receive more love and your spirit baby
AND SO WE BEGIN, with the divine goddess Hathor. Pleasure queen. Married to Horus, who is linked with Jesus. Goddess of receptivity and fertility. Patron of music and full supporter of her king.
Session are $13 each (the goddess #), and your first one is on me! Use code GODDESS at checkout.