Join us Mother's Day Weekend
🌸Experience deep nourishment
🌸Plant seeds of healing and creation
🌸Connect with and honor your ancestors
☕Coffee reading for the collective
☕Coffee/tea for each attendee
🔻Womb healing embodiment journey
🔻Sacred circle & altar in a gorgeous space
🔻Dedicated time to connect with self, spirit guides, spirit babies, and ancestors
This is for you if you...
✅ Want to strengthen your connection to your womb
✅ Want to connect to maternal energy in your lineage
✅ Have a complicated relationship with your mother figure(s)
✅ Want to deepen your spiritual connection to your mother
✅ Want to clear sexual trauma from your womb
✅ Wish to get pregnant
✅ Have experienced miscarriages or pregnancy loss
Open to all womb-holders / those who want to connect to their energetic womb space. Mom's welcome!
💕 Fill your own cup before Mother's Day
💕 Activate with the medicine of Armenian coffee and flower essences
💕 Heal and dance with the Pisces moon
💕 Stomp out the last few hours of Mercury retrograde
💕 Milk Taurus Season's invitation for self-care and pleasure
💕 Be intentional with your past, present, and future
Co-hosting with Seta Mary
Seta is a writer, artist, medium, and channel creatrix who supports individuals to cultivate a relationship with Spirit and connect to their ancestors and (plant)cestors to heal their relationship to mother earth, pleasure and reach emotional and spiritual liberation and sovereignty.
She is the owner & CEO of Arevv Alchemy. Seta has been trained in the modalities of flower essence healing, mediumship channeling, coffee cup reading, and theta healing. Her work is dedicated to bridging the gap between the material and spiritual realms, healing shame, reaching liberation for all bodies, and most importantly having fun doing it.
She loves to travel - offers coffee readings & teaches channeled writing & flower essence-making workshops. Most of the flower essences she creates are from plants she connected with on her trips.