I wouldn’t be where I am today

without my teachers & many, many resources

this is the part where I share my favorites with you

  • "Spirit Babies" by Walter Makichen

    The original. The classic. Read for spirit baby fundamentals and a wide range of practical advice. Consider supporting a local bookstore when purchasing.

  • Spirit Guide Meditation with Aja Dashuur

    I’ve learned so much form working with Aja. I literally recommend everything she offers. A good place to start is this gorgeous guided meditation journey to meet a spirit guide.

  • Alize Lily - Founder of the Celtic Rose Mystery School

    Sacred Feminine Wisdom teachings from Alize Lily

    I'm so grateful to Alize and her partner Oliver for all they've taught me about Yeshua, Mary Magdalen, conscious conception, and sacred union.

  • Fertility Yoga

    Want to speed up your conception journey? Try slowing down with Kerry’s online fertility yoga.

    Her flows are so yummy and packed with useful information, too.

  • Los Angeles Manual Pelvic Therapy

    Phoebe is a manual therapist, birth and full spectrum doula, and certified Mercier Therapy Practitioner based in Los Angeles.

    I highly recommend her in-person services for anyone wanting to give their womb more love.

  • Services for Mothers in LA

    Services for Mothers in LA

    Incredible, ceremonial support for pre- and post-natal using ancestral practices. Ceremony and healing for pregancy loss, too.

  • Stomach/Womb Massage with Usha Anandi

    This is a great video of belly massage that you can do to show some love to your womb. She also has a breast massage video which is fantastic, too.

  • Womb Healing through Blood Rites & Rituals

    Paulina Prana drops knowledge. Start with this incredibly rich blog post.

    “When women give their blood back to the Earth, men will come home from war and the Earth shall find peace.” - Hopi prophecy

  • Sacred tours to egypt

    Traveling to Egypt with High Priestess Dee Kennedy (here pictured with her son, Leo) in the fall of 2021 changed my life. Click below to learn more about and join one of her future pilgrimages.

  • fertility acupunture and wellness boutique in franklin, ma

    I’ve had acupuncture sessions with a dozen different practitioners all across the country and Crystal at AcuPUNKture is by far the best. Her treatments are thoughtful and thorough. She even specializes in fertility.

    The Whimsical Wellness Boutique attached to the space has all the magical tools and treats you need, and I love teaching workshops in the community room.

  • Dare to Feel Podcast with Alexandra Roxo

    I’ve learned so much from this woman, and her feminine embodiment practices have inspired my work. Learn about the intersection of the sacred and the profane in her delicious podcast.

  • Keep checking back for more resources