What HPV Taught Me | 8/12/22

I got HPV in college. My doctor told me to eat cruciferous vegetables because they have tons of vitamins & cleanse the system, and to not smoke cigarettes because they make it harder for my womb.

I put down the smokes and picked up the greens, and it cleared easily. If you know me, I’m still obsessed with greens and barely smoke cigarettes - the lifestyle stuck.

Then more recently, I got it again/it came back. For whatever reason, this time it didn’t clear. The clinic told me I needed a colposcopy, an invasive procedure that may include removing/freezing part of my cervix, which felt like an aggressive next step.

Everything in my body said NO. No way are you taking part of her!!! I can heal.

Pap smears can be really uncomfortable. This would have been even more uncomfortable, and my cervix was an immediate no to it. So I got another option.

I booked a session with my holistic doctor instead. She prescribed a 12 week protocol of herbal suppositories, daily meditations, and no sex.

“12 weeks?! Wasn’t there anything shorter??” I thought. But I knew I needed to try.

I took the medicine (that requires refrigeration) with me to Egypt, where I miraculously found places to keep it cold. I did my meditation visualizations daily. I abstained from sex.

I finished the suppositories and then meditated for three more months before going back to check.

And guess what? This time, all clear.

Our bodies want to heal themselves. Think about when you get a cut - you assume it’ll close back up.

It’s the same with any other dis-ease or imbalance - our bodies WANT homeostasis. Sometimes they just need a lil TLC & time.

I learned I can listen to my body and advocate for my womb. Doctors often escalate protocols so they can prescribe drugs and/or lower their liability. Getting sued for “missing something” can ruin a doctor’s career.

Just because they have that mindset & urgency, does not mean I need to subscribe.


My Abortion Story | 9/25/22


I got my MBA to be a Medium | 4/3/22