Spirit Babies and IVF | 11/19/24

What does it mean when eggs and embryos exist outside your body? When they’re in the lab? Are your spirit babies there? 

I’m often asked how spirit babies are related to IVF. If you’re familiar with IVF, or going through it yourself, you know it’s a very clinical process that focuses on probability and maximizing conception opportunity. This often means that many eggs are retrieved and many embryos are created.

From what I’ve seen in sessions with clients, spirit babies are not connected to eggs. Even eggs that are still within a woman’s body. Often spirit babies will show me an image of a golden egg. These messages tell me they’re waiting for their perfect egg. Their golden egg where they will unite with sperm for conception: for life. When an egg is outside the body for retrieval, the image and message is the same.

So, those trays of IVF embryos - what’s spiritual about them?

With embryos, things get a bit more interesting. An embryo is an egg already fertilized with sperm. It holds the start of life. Whenever I tune into a tray of embryos I see that there are spirit babies connected to each embryo. 

If the tray has around eight or more embryos, the spirit babies are often super super super light. It’s almost as if they’re only connected by a thin thread and the spirit baby is many many many layers removed. Almost like they are miles away.

With fewer embryos, there’s often much stronger spirit baby connections. The spirit babies with the strongest embryos seem closer, almost as if they’re hovering over the tray. The spirit babies appear more filled in, more clear, giving crisp images. Spirit babies with less viable embryos will look more shadowy. The spirit will be off in the distance and either not as crisp and clear or way way way way way up above the tray.

Because the process of IVF is meant to create life (perhaps one or two babies, maybe three or four), many embryos end up not viable, are unsuccessful transfers, or in some cases, are never used. Because of this, it’s almost as if the spirit babies know ahead of time that the fate of the embryo is not always Life, so a spirit baby doesn’t attach to an embryo without a strong fate.

Embryos that do have a stronger chance of life that are more viable and perhaps a desire to be alive. These embryos are ones that feel much more connected to babies. Almost every embryo is assigned a spirit baby, but some are such faint and distant assignments that a poof of air can erase the assignment and the spirit baby is then free to find another place to incarnate or stay in the spirit realm indefinitely.

Spirit babies that are more dedicated, ready, and motivated to incarnate here and come to life are visibly much closer during our sessions. It’s almost as if they are in the room with the embryos, with the doctors, and are also closely connected to the parents of the embryos.

Are you exploring or receiving IVF?

Reading this, I wonder how this makes you feel. Does this make it harder or easier when you are considering what to do with your embryos? Decisions about fertility and conception are very personal choices. I encourage you to make these choices: yourself, your body, your partner (if you have one), your main spirit baby or babies who are ready to incarnate now, next in the next sequential birth order, and with God.

Just because I see faint spirit babies connected to embryos that may never be chosen or viable does not mean I believe that all embryos have rights to life, especially not when those rights overshadow the rights of a woman and her right to decide what happens with her body. 

Women have been choosing whether or not to have babies since the beginning of time. Abortion is not a contemporary process, though sometimes it seems like that’s what the overculture wants us to believe. Women have been deciding when and when not to have babies for a very, very, very long time. I encourage you to feel empowered about what you do with your embryos based on what’s right for you, while in council with God and your spirit baby.


Want to understand how your individual spirit baby feels about IVF?


In my mediumship practice, I have learned some spirit babies love IVF. They love the science, they love the white glove treatment, they love the extra hands and attention. Just like some babies and mothers prefer hospital births, some spirit babies seem to prefer IVF or other medically assisted routes.

On the other hand, some babies are confused by this process. Though spirits can see a lot, on this path they’re practicing being kids and getting ready to be babies and often express naïvete around this modern process. It’s also likely this is the first time a soul has been born from IVF. If they incarnated in generations before, they were probably conceived naturally.

But just because some spirit babies are confused, scared, or hesitant about IVF doesn’t mean it won’t work for them! It just means they may need some extra loving care, handholding, and nurturing through the process. Just as a young child might need tender love and care to get through at the doctor’s office for an ear infection or a fever. These environments can be bright and overstimulating places.

IVF is a big process. Remember this is an opportunity to parent your spirit baby through the process too, an opportunity for connection and care. If you feel like you don’t have the capacity, perhaps your partner or a loved one can lend some support to you or the spirit baby. As you navigate these charged, hormonal, sometimes complicated and confusing, decision fatiguing waters, feel into what would be helpful to you and your spirit baby. If you want spiritual support alongside this process, I am here for you.

Images by Natalya Rodina of Awaken.Soul.Art


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